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Resources for Survivors
of Sexual Abuse & Domestic Violence
This list includes Greater Boston services and resources for survivors of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and other interpersonal crises. These resources offer helplines, shelters, legal advocacy services, therapy for trauma, and support groups.
List of domestic violence shelters for women in Massachusetts. Oragnized by region, including Greater Boston.
Casa Myrna is Boston’s largest provider of domestic violence awareness efforts and of shelter and supportive services to survivors. Our comprehensive range of services, available in both Spanish and English, provide survivors with tools to recover from the trauma of abuse and begin to build sustainable self-sufficiency.
Each year, we serve over 2,000 survivors through three residential programs, housing assistance and advocacy, financial literacy education and job readiness skill building, individual and group counseling, legal advocacy and representation, children’s services, and community-based advocacy. Casa Myrna operates SafeLink, Massachusetts’ statewide 24/7 toll-free domestic violence hotline, which answers over 27,000 calls annually. We also provide domestic and dating violence awareness and prevention services by educating teens and adults across the state through workshops, seminars, trainings, social media, engagement with the media and annual ad campaigns on mass transit systems.
Boston, domestic abuse, hotline, survivors, education, support, trauma
The Center for Hope and Healing, Inc. is committed to providing high quality services to survivors of sexual assault and their loved ones. To that end, we provide individual and group counseling; legal and medical advocacy; provide resources and referrals as needed and offer a 24-hour crisis hotline. All of our services are free and confidential, regardless of insurance, income, citizenship, or any other barriers. We are committed to serving survivors of all identities, expressions, and life experiences.
The CHH's Hope Prevents program focuses on prevention, community outreach, and education through the Engaging Men & Boys Program, LGBQ/T educational workshops, Youth Leadership Corps, and Khmer Linguistic Access Program (in collaboration with Cambodian American Literary Arts Association and Northeast Legal Aid).
survivors, Greater Boston
MaleSurvivor is dedicated to providing personalized support for men at every stage of the healing process. We facilitate dialogue among survivors, as well as between survivors and professional therapists, on our online support forums like a vibrant and moderated Support Forum, online 24/7 chat and at in-person events. We provide educational resources that help empower them to process their past and look forward to a brighter future. And we do everything in a way that recognizes and respects the diversity of survivors and their allies.
education, support, community, sexual abuse, survivors, support group
Deaf Survivors Program (DSP) is a statewide program that provides free and confidential services (in-person and Zoom/Video Phone) for all Deaf and Hard of Hearing survivors in Massachusetts. Our counselors are all Deaf/ASL fluent. Services include 24/7 ASL Video Phone hotline; 1-on-1 and group counseling services; medical, court, and police accompaniment; and referrals. If you are not fluent in ASL or need additional accommodations such as captioning or Certified Deaf Interpreters, we will provide them! Email: DSP@pathwaysforchange.help
Massachusetts, Deaf, Survivors, trauma, referrals, ASL, hotline
Located in Acton, MA and serving child, adolescent, and adult clients in the Metrowest area, MBHC is a mental / behavioral health center with expertise in general mental health, complex psychological trauma, and parenting consultation, including specialty in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).
survivors, Greater Boston, therapy
Journey to Safety (JTS) is the Jewish Family & Children's Service's response to domestic abuse. We specialize in providing culturally competent and religiously sensitive services for Jewish and Russian-speaking survivors while offering free and confidential assistance to all who contact us for help, regardless of their religion, culture, or country of origin. JTS is also dedicated to preventing domestic abuse and teen dating abuse through education and awareness-raising in the Jewish community and beyond.
Jewish, Russian, domestic abuse, support, education
Riverside Trauma Center offers support services including on-site response, grief counseling, and referrals to help people after critical incidents. Extreme stress following a trauma can be overwhelming and cause lasting psychological effects. Examples of incidents at which we have provided response and crisis management include:
-Schools where students have died by suicide, homicide, medical, or accidental causes
-Communities affected by tornadoes, floods, or other natural disasters
-Violence in a school, workplace, or community
-Highly stressful events in a workplace (e.g., assault, arrests, reduction in workforce, etc.)
Riverside Trauma Center also coordinates the statewide Riverside-Massachusetts Trauma Response Network, which trains and partners with other organizations to develop locally-based response teams throughout the Commonwealth.
trauma, Greater Boston, referrals, crisis response
The Center for Trauma and Embodiment at JRI is dedicated to researching, developing and training providers in effective, trauma-informed practices that help survivors safely re-connect to their body so that they may engage more fully with their life. We offer training in trauma sensitive yoga, trauma informed weight lifting, and will soon have a trauma-informed theater-based program for youth.
Boston, trauma, healing
The Boston Trauma Response Team provides rapid crisis response to homicides affecting young people (13-24), short-term case management, coping groups, and follow-up psychological first aid services. The team consists of well-trained professionals and volunteers who are called on by community members, leaders, or emergency personnel to provide support to emotionally traumatized youth and their families on a 24-hour, 365-day-a-year basis. Staff and volunteers have the ability to respond to the emergency within 30 minutes of the time called to the Boston community. In an effort to develop resiliency and to provide support following a traumatic event, JRI provides several models of intervention for immediate and ongoing support to those impacted by violence.
Boston, trauma, youth, Survivors, violence, crisis response
MenHealing conducts healing workshops for men, age 18 and older, who have experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault as a child and/or as an adult. Since 2001 we have served more than 1,649 men through 83 Weekend of Recovery and Day of Recovery Events.
survivors, national, men, sexual abuse
The Child Witness to Violence Project (CWVP) is a therapeutic, advocacy, and outreach project that focuses on the growing number of young children who are hidden victims of domestic and community violence and other trauma-related events. CWVP is staffed by a multi-cultural staff of social workers, psychologists, early childhood specialists, a consulting pediatrician and consulting attorney. It is run under the auspices of the Department of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Boston Medical Center.
youth, violence, Survivors, Boston